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New Certification Hearing Set For Class Action

Current Order:

On March 28, 2024, the Federal Court of Canada issued the following order.

The Plaintiff's certification motion and the Defendant's cross-motions to strike or stay the Plaintiff's Statement of Claim will be heard before this Court at 180 Queen Street West, in the City of Toronto, Ontario, on Monday, October 28, 2024 at 9:30 for a duration of eight (8) days.

Previous Updated Order issued January 2023:

The certification motion, motion to strike the claim (jurisdiction), and motion to

stay portions of the claim (re overlapping class actions) to be heard in-person,

over the course of 5-8 days, in Toronto from October 16-20, 23-25, 2023.

Previous Order:

On June 23, 2022 Associate Chief Justice Jocelyne Gagné of the Federal Court gave new directions regarding the certification hearing that was scheduled to take place September 21, 2022.

The order is as follows:

  1. Motion regarding overlapping submissions due October 1, 2022.

  2. Certification record of Defendant due November 1, 2022.

  3. The Plaintiffs’ reply is due November 15, 2022.

  4. Cross-examinations will take place from November 15, 2022 to January 31st, 2023.

  5. All motions are to be filed by end of February 13th ,2022.

  6. Written representations for the Plaintiffs are due March 7, 2023

  7. Written representations for the Defendant are due April 10, 2023

  8. Plaintiffs must complete their reply by April 21, 2023.

  9. The certification hearing will now take place in person in Toronto on May 8, 2023 for a period of 5 days.

All media inquiries should be directed to

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